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George Ross
Ross, George, one of the signers of the Declaration of
Independence, was the son of a clergyman by the same name, who presided
over the Episcopal Church at New Castle, in the State of Delaware, in
which town be was born in the year 1730.
At an early age, he gave indications of possessing talents of a superior
order. These indications induced his father to give him the advantage of
a good education. At the age of eighteen he entered upon the study of
law, under the superintendence of an elder brother, who was at that time
in the practice of the profession, in the city of Philadelphia.
Soon after being admitted to the bar, he established himself at
Lancaster, at that time near the western limits of civilization. He soon
became connected in marriage with a lady of a respectable family. For
several years he continued to devote himself, with great zeal, to the
duties of his profession, in which, at length, he attained a high
reputation, both as a counselor and an advocate.
Mr. Ross commenced his political career in 1768, in which year he was
first returned as a representative to the Assembly of Pennsylvania. Of
this body he continued to be re-elected a member, until the year 1774,
when he was chosen in connection with several other gentlemen, a
delegate to the celebrated Congress which met at Philadelphia. At the
time he was appointed to a seat in this Congress, he was also appointed
to report to the Assembly of the province, a set of instructions, by
which the conduct of himself and colleagues were to be directed. The
instructions thus dratted and reported, were accepted by the Assembly.
In concluding these instructions, the Assembly observed: "that the trust
reposed in you is of such a nature, and the modes of executing it may be
so diversified in the course of your deliberations, that it is scarcely
possible to give you particular instructions respecting it. We shall,
therefore, only in general direct, that you are to meet in Congress the
committees of the several British colonies, at such time and place as
shall be generally agreed on, to consult together on the present
critical and alarming situation and state of the colonies, and that you,
with them, exert your utmost endeavors to form and adopt a plan, which
shall afford the best prospect of obtaining a redress of American
grievances, ascertaining American rights, and establishing that union
and harmony, which is most essential to the welfare and happiness of
both countries. And in doing this, you are strictly charged to avoid
everything indecent or disrespectful to the mother state."
Mr. Ross continued to represent the State of Pennsylvania in the
national Legislature, until January, 1777, when, on account of
indisposition, he was obliged to retire. During his congressional
career, his conduct met the warmest approbation of his constituents. He
was a statesman of enlarged views, and under the influence of a general
patriotism, he cheerfully sacrificed his private interests for the
public good. The high sense entertained by the inhabitants of the county
of Lancaster, of his zeal for the good of his country, and of his
constituents in particular, was expressed in the following resolutions:
"Resolved, that the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds, out of the
county stock, be forthwith transmitted to George Ross, one of the
members of Assembly for this county, and one of the delegates for this
colony in the Continental Congress; and that he be requested to accept
the same, as a testimony from this county, of their sense of his
attendance on the public business, to his great private loss, and of
their approbation of his conduct. Resolved, that if it be more
agreeable, Mr. Ross purchase with part of the said money, a genteel
piece of plate, ornamented as he thinks proper, to remain with him, as a
testimony of the esteem this county has for him, by reason of his
patriotic conduct, in the great struggle of American liberty." Such a
testimony of respect and affection, on the part of his constituents,
must have been not a little gratifying to the feelings of Mr. Ross. He
felt ft his duty, however, to decline accepting the present, offering as
an apology for so doing, that he considered it as the duty of every man,
and especially of every representative of the people, to contribute, by
every means within his power, to the welfare of his country, without
expecting pecuniary rewards.
The attendance of Mr. Ross in
Congress did not prevent him from meeting with the provincial
Legislature. Of this latter body he was an active, energetic, and
influential member. In the summer of 1775, it was found by the
general Assembly, that the circumstances of the State required the
adoption of some decisive measures, especially in respect to putting
the city of Philadelphia, and the province, in a state of defense. A
committee was accordingly appointed, of which Mr. Ross was one, to
report what measures were expedient. In a few days that committee
did report, recommending to the people to associate for the
protection of their lives, and liberty, and property, and urging
upon the several counties of the province the importance of
collecting stores of ammunition and arms. A resolution was also
offered, providing for the payment of all such associations as
should be called out to repel any attacks made by the British
troops. |
To carry these plans into effect, a general committee of public safety
was appointed, and clothed with the necessary authority. To this committee
Mr. Ross was attached, and was one of its most active and efficient
members. He also belonged to another important committee, viz., that of
On the dissolution of the proprietary government in Pennsylvania, a
general convention was assembled, in which Mr. Ross represented the county
of Lancaster. Here, again, he was called to the discharge of most
important duties, being appointed to assist in preparing a declaration of
rights on behalf of the State, for forming rules of order for the
Convention, and for defining and settling what should be considered high
treason and misprision of treason against the State, and the punishment
which should be inflicted for those offences.
In the year 1779, Mr. Ross was appointed a judge of the court of admiralty
for the State of Pennsylvania. This was on the 14th of April. He was
permitted to enjoy, however, the honorable station which he now filled but
a short time. In the month of July following, be was suddenly and
violently attacked by the gout, which terminated his useful life, in the
fiftieth year of his age.
In respect to the character of Judge Ross, we have little to add to the
preceding account. As a lawyer, even before the revolution, he was among
the first of his profession, a rank which he continued to hold, while he
practiced at the bar. As a politician, he was zealous, patriotic, and
consistent. As a judge he was learned and upright, and uncommonly skillful
in the dispatch of business. He comprehended with ease causes of the
greatest intricacy, and formed his decisions, which often displayed much
legal knowledge, with great promptness. It is to be added to his honor,
that while he was thus distinguished abroad, he was characterized in the
fulfillment of his domestic duties, by an uncommonly kind and affectionate
Source: An authentic history of Lancaster County, in
the state of Pennsylvania; Lancaster, Pa.: J.E. Barr, 1869, 813 pgs.
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