Rev. Samuel Tucker MoormanON Sabbath morning an old man with bundles of religious papers can be seen bending his steps towards the State prison in Richmond, Virginia. He is of large frame, yet stooping with weight of years. His face, lit up with a "light never seen on land or sea," tells of a Divine radiance from within. Behind him follows an ever-faithful companion-his little dog. The Methodists of the city know them well. This volunteer chaplain to the Virginia penitentiary is Samuel T. Moorman. Without money and without price, he visits the prisoners and proclaims the liberty in Jesus Christ. He is beyond, by nearly a decade, the allotted time to man. His
ear is dull and he is almost cut off from the commerce of social
life by his deafness. Domestic afflictions have burdened him for
years. In all this he sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. With
his own hand he ministers to his helpless household.
Source: Sketches of the Virginia Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. by Rev. John J. Lafferty Richmond, Va., Christian Advocate Office 1880.
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