Daniel DrewDANIEL DREW IT would seem probable to an abstract reasoner that men whose early advantages for education were very limited, but who by their enterprise and native capacity for business have amassed large fortunes, would not bestow any considerable portion of their hard earned wealth on educational institutions, however charitable might be their disposition toward other objects. Experience proves this deduction incorrect. The largest benefactors to education, in the present age certainly, have been men who not only never received instruction within college walls, but had but a scanty share even of the ordinary advantages of the district school. Peabody, Vassar, Cornell, Packer, Jay Cooke, are all examples of this, and the subject of our present sketch is not less remarkable in this respect than the others. DANIEL DREW was born at Carmel, Putnam county, New York, July 29th 1797. His early years were passed on his father's farm, and his education in youth was only such as a country district school in that rocky farming county afforded. When fifteen years old his father died, leaving him to carve a fortune for himself. He directed his attention chiefly to the In 1840, Mr. Isaac Newton formed a joint stock company, in which Drew became the largest stockholder. This was the origin of the famous "People's Line," which commenced business by running new, large, and elegantly fitted-up steamboats, and from time to time added new and improved vessels to their running stock. When the Hudson river railroad was opened in 1852, it was confidently expected by many that the steamboat interest was doomed. Drew thought otherwise, and refused to accept the advice of his friends, who admonished him to sell his boats and withdraw from a business about to fail. The event justified his course. The railroad served but to increase travel, and rendered the steamboats more popular than ever. The large steamers now attached to the "People's Line," which command the admiration of every visitor and traveler on account of their superb decorations, and the extent and comfortable character of their accommodations, attest the prosperity attendant upon the management, a leading spirit of which Mr. Drew has been from the beginning. The Dean Richmond, St. John, and Drew are unsurpassed for model, machinery, speed, and finish, by any river steamboats in the wide world.
The noble deed which has brought him into special prominence, and rendered his name, like those of Cornell and Peabody, a synonym for active benevolence; is the founding of the In Putnam county he owns upward of a thousand acres of land, on which large numbers of cattle are raised for the market. The pursuits of his early manhood have for him still In form and physiognomy Mr. Drew is not especially impressive. His height is about six feet, his person slender, and his general expression and manner unassuming and mild, but firm. He stands before us as an example of the persevering, energetic, shrewd, and successful business man, and not only so, but also as an example of the practical workings of an earnest and sincere philanthropy. Source: Men of Our Day; or Biographical Sketches of Patriots, Orators, Statesmen, Generals, Reformers, Financiers and Merchants, Now on the state of Action: Including Those Who in Military, Political, Business and Social Life, are the Prominent Leaders of the Time in This Country, by L. P. Brockett, M. D., Published by Ziegler and McCurdy, Philadelphia Penna; Springfield, Mass; Cincinnati, Ohio; St. Louis, Mo., 1872
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